
Please read, sign, and date the two forms below and enter your credit card information to secure your appointment. Thank you!



A credit card is required to book & hold an appointment. We kindly ask that you cancel or reschedule your appointment no less than 24 hours prior to your visit. We understand that things come up and things happen, if you are not able to cancel within the 24 hour window, a $65 charge will apply. Appointments that are missed without cancellation are considered a “NO SHOW” & will result in a 100% charge to the card that was used to book.

We send confirmation emails and texts as a reminder to avoid missed appointments. Please confirm via the automated email, this will let us know you have received and confirmed your appointment. If you feel you have not received a confirmation, please check your spam box or feel free to email us. If you do not confirm, we will assume you cannot make it and will release the availability.

Running Late?
Life happens, we get it. We can honor a 15 minute grace period. Please email us to let us know, this will help us figure out if we can better accommodate you or move your appointment. Understand that if you are more than 15 minutes late, we may not be able to take you depending on the day’s schedule. We will try our best, but must prioritize clients who are coming in on time after you as this could disrupt the rest of the day’s appointments.

We take covid-19 very seriously, we do not want you to come in if you are symptomatic or believe you have been exposed. If you have to cancel due to covid-19 related issues, the cancelation policy will be waived and there will be a mandatory 10 day wait time before you can come in again. (You can pre-book) If you have to cancel for any other reason, our cancelation policy will remain in strict effect.


I understand and agree to the following:

  • COVID-19 virus has a long incubation period during which carriers of the virus may not show symptoms and still be highly contagious. It is impossible to determine who has it and who does not, given the current limits in virus testing

  • I understand that due to the frequency of visits of other clients, the characteristics of the virus, and the characteristics of hair services, that I have an elevated risk of contracting the virus simply by being in the salon

  • Face masks will be optional for fully vaccinated clients. We will not ask your vaccination status, rather, we will be observing an honor system. If you are not vaccinated, please continue to wear your mask.

  • Our staff is fully vaccinated and will no longer be required to wear a mask

  • We are now operating at full capacity. The size of our studio will no longer accommodate social distancing. For the health of our clients and staff, we are asking any unvaccinated individual to request to be seated at our station furthest from the general seating area.

  • I confirm that I am not presenting any of the following symptoms of COVOID-19 listed below:

    • Temperature above 98.7 degrees • Shortness of breath • Loss of sense of taste or smell • Dry cough • Sore Throat

    Print full name, sign & date.

    We thank you for your cooperation and understanding and look forward to seeing you!